4-Dimensional Product Development (The Four D’s)
“A proven, integrated, phased process for creating successful new products & services from Direction to Discovery, Development and Deployment and it all begins with strategy”
The Four D’s is a proven process often used or duplicated by a number of companies and taught in various schools and developed by Axiom.
The four dimensions focus on providing:
- Clear and consistent development strategy.
- A formalized process for development that involves a cross-functional team.
- A functional cross function team schooled in best practices and behavior style teaming techniques.
- A clear and shared understanding of market needs with cross-functional teams from concept ideation, market research and development through deployment.
- A screening and prioritization process balanced with strategic fit as important as financials.
- A process that is flexible to allow entry at any “stage” in the process where a project meets that defined metrics of that stage.
- A process with clear goals and objective, metrics, and hurtles that are consistent.
Key Benefits
- A strategically driven New Product Development process.
- Higher success rates.
- Faster process.
- High value projects in both strategic and financial value.