Public Relations

This week key members of our team attended what we consider to be one of the best horticultural conference and tradeshows, Cultivate....

After putting in the time to create a compelling, purchase-inducing presentation, chances are your topic has some shelf life. Make sure your momentum doesn’t stop when you hit the end button at the close of the webinar. Here are a few tips to keep the...

How are you using public relations to generate leads? If public relations (PR) isn't part of your marketing mix, you’re missing a key element in your lead generation toolbox. PR is more than just an awareness tool. The practice is driven by content and relationships, two...

As a business leader, you most likely craft the outward image of your company with careful thought and consideration. Commonly, a company’s marketing content is a reflection of its values. But you are not your customer. When it comes to marketing communications, the campaign you...