Get More Exposure with Proprietary Media Research

Get More Exposure with Proprietary Media Research

There are many free media research reports available from most every media company. You should be asking your media partners for them as they can be great source of general media use information.

However, our 27+ years in market research has shown that there are some differences from a general audience and a company’s customer base. These differences can be based on size of customer, geography, and other factors.

If you want to reach your customers, more effectively and have your marketing dollars go farther. Then you should consider customized market research.

Here is an example where we compared the results of a major industry media report to a customized report looking at media habits of one of our clients customers.

Free Media Company Report Customized Client Research Insights
More than 81% of their readers noted they get information from email newsletters weekly Only 12-22% use email for information There is a big gap between what “general” customer want and what the client’s customer want.

Insight- You may need to use other methods than what your industry says your should to reach your customers 

67% said they use industry websites weekly Only 35-60% use websites depending on the region.  There was a big gap from region to region. Midwest Growers were lowest in utilizing websites for information at 35%.

Insight – To reach customers in one geography may take different tactics than is working in another.

More than 80% of customers said they find trade magazines “valuable”. The client’s research agreed with this finding. Clients have been skeptical of the effectiveness of magazines and media company reports in the past. This is counter-intuitive to the current digital revolution.

Insight – To reach their customers, print magazines. Can still be effective for this segment of customers

Having detailed customer research specific to your business can give you an edge in reaching your target customer. It can help you do it more cost effectively with better results. Would you like to know where your customers spend their time? We can help.

For more information, contact Mike Reiber at  

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