Author: Ben Marion

We plan our days and vacations around the weather. As marketers, why wouldn’t we consider weather-based marketing planning?...

What’s the most valuable element of your brand? More than any other discipline positioning leads brand marketing. Plain and simple. Positioning is your compass....

The big game sells big brands. This year had some great ones that were not only funny, but fantastic at marketing their brand. It’s tough to narrow down the list of commercials, but here are three we think are worth the extra spotlight....

Customizing and personalizing marketing to reach specific types of customers is now even easier. Here's how to make sure you're targeting key audiences and maximizing your marketing spend. The digital era makes it easier, however, if you’re not thoughtful, you could be doing a disservice...

More than 100 fires burned in the wine regions of California, Oregon and Washington during 2020. The total damage won't be known until it's too late, but there is hope for the future. This is a story about identifying a clear product advantage and building...

Research is arguably one of the most powerful tools in a marketer’s toolbox. Learning key insights about your industry, including competitor analyses, customer decision influencers, purchase journeys, even data collection processes can be instrumental for your business. Many companies conduct customized research of their own,...

Nearly every brand has a social media presence, but not every brand has the presence of mind to improve their social media. Axiom can help you move beyond likes and follows. Contact us for more information, ...