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Trends: Marketing with Empathy and Personalization

Marketing with Empathy and Personalization - Axiom Blog

No surprise to learn that one of the top marketing trends for 2021 involves marketing with empathy and personalization. After the year we’ve had – the pandemic, racial inequality, unprecedented divisiveness and record-setting climate issues – have we entered a kinder, gentler phase of communicating to our customers? Experts say if a brand hasn’t done this, it should. We looked at how empathy and personalization work to build brand advocacy.

Stay Positive. Be Authentic.

A recent article stresses that consumers are looking for brands to be more positive in the midst of our pandemic and politically charged world. I think we can agree there is enough negativity going around, but how can we reach our customers with authentic positivity?

The Forbes article reminds us that our customers and clients are human beings. The author claims it is something we often forget as we get bogged down in customer data. And, it’s hurting our business. According to the author, only five percent of consumers say brands understand them. How can we change that statistic? By asking questions that give us real insights, including delving into customer needs and where they are in real time.

Once you understand their needs, communicating with kindness is a key opportunity. Showing that you understand what your customer is going through is a way to create a connection. Connected customers become brand advocates.

Empathy and Personalization

At the beginning of the pandemic, we saw so many brands talking about ‘being in this together.’ But your messaging needs to go beyond that pat-on-the-back, we-got-this story. Your potential customers want to envision how your product or service will make their life easier and better as we ease into resuming normal life. They want something they can believe in. Here are a few tips for creating genuine, authentic empathy in your messaging:

Empathy is about walking a mile (or more…) in your customer’s shoes. Watch how they shop and interact with your products. Learn from them. If you can think like your customer, chances are you’ll create a connection.

If this was helpful, you may also enjoy this post on Marketing Messaging.

Want to learn more about what your customer really needs and how to connect with them? We can help.