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David Bowie: The Man Who Sold The World

“I don’t know where I’m going from here, but I promise it won’t be boring.” – Quote from David Bowie on his 50th birthday

In addition to being a mega-talented songwriter, musician and performer, David Bowie was a master marketer. A pioneer in persona creation, reinvention and style trendsetting, Bowie found success in all of his forms, proving that weird can be cool and captivating.

Brand-centric from the beginning, Bowie changed his last name in order to avoid confusion with another pop music star, adapting to create his own path. In his music, performance and style, he was a trailblazer, innovating in order to stand out.

His brand grew beyond music performance to include producing, film acting and web content development. As it turns out, he was an inventor as well, launching a lyric-writing app in 1995 called the Verbasizer. In 1998, he launched the world’s first artist-created Internet service provider, BowieNet.

Bowie also embraced the art of collaboration, working with Lou Reed, Mick Jagger, Queen, Peter Frampton and Pete Townshend to name a few. Bowie proved that creativity can flourish when talent works together.

With a career that spans five decades, it would be tough to find a target audience member that Bowie’s music or brand hasn’t touched. Bowie played a life-long show that deserves a standing ovation!

At Axiom, much of our client work revolves around innovating, reinventing and repositioning existing products. We use foundational insights that few competitors recognize, content that few competitors create and breakthrough patent-protected innovations to accelerate sales of our customers’ products. Although our portfolio work may not span five decades, we’re proud to have been in business since 1993.