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The Reason for the Season

When you reflect upon the year and attempt to recount your behavior, it’s easy to forget the naughty and remember the nice. However, being nice is what truly impacts those around you. Beyond that, being kind and helping out your fellow man can be rewarding beyond any measurable or quantifiable result.

There are many generous charitable organizations in the world, but this year, Axiom had the opportunity to work with an organization whose kindness is helping to change lives every day. Let me introduce you to a group called Imara.

Imara is a Christian organization that has established a safe haven for young pregnant women in Kenya, Africa. Their goal is to keep young women safe, healthy and equipped for the future by providing a supportive environment in which to grow. Imara helps its participants learn tangible, practical skills like sewing and baking in attempts to provide these women with vital proficiencies and dexterities for successful, healthy futures. Imara educates its members in hopes that they—as well as their children—might find a better life.

It’s overwhelming to think of the daily struggles these young women would have had to endure, had they never encountered Imara’s organization. I know that I take a lot of daily commodities and belongings for granted, like having electricity, indoor plumbing and a roof over my head.   Imagining life without these things, as well as factoring in society and nature’s predators in a war-torn, unsettled country like Kenya, is unfathomable. With all the bad around us in the world, it’s wonderful to know that an organization like Imara exists and is helping restore a little faith back into humanity.  If you would like to know more about Imara, click here. We’d love for you to check out the short video we did to help spread the word about their organization.