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Team Axiom Advances at District Robotics Competition

The 619 Cavalier Robotics team with their robot. Axiom Marketing Communications mentors the team and is a major sponsor of their effort.

The Axiom Team, 619 Cavalier Robotics, has advanced in the 2016-2017 FirstRobotics competition. These future scientists, technologists, engineers, artists and mathematicians advanced to the district championship picking up another design award and accumulating more points to qualify at the Edgewater Maryland competition – the last step in qualifying for nationals. Next up is the District Championship in Richmond Virginia, April 5 through 8. Winners this weekend go to St. Louis April 26 through 29 where over 30,000 young people and 1,394 teams from 39 countries vie for the world championship. More than 65,000 will be in attendance. In 2016, another team from Virginia won the entire competition. It’s hard to comprehend the commitment, planning, innovation, problem solving, hard work and creativity that goes into preparing for this series of events. The excitement of competition and maturing process we, as mentors, experience is inspiring and difficult to explain without showing the process along the way. First Robotics is demonstrating how true innovation is still alive and thriving among America’s youth. The world is catching up quickly, and even surpassing us in some areas of the globe. It is a testament that we cannot lead without fostering the best in education and innovation among our future engineers and scientists. As professionals, we have a responsibility to give back and bring the skills in problem solving, collaboration, creativity and communication a professional environment has taught us to the next generation of innovators. We need more mentors, all those willing to give back, and share your knowledge and experience to enrich the lives of everyone’s kids while helping them prepare for college and life. If you have any questions or want to get involved in FIRST, go to and get involved in a local team or feel free to contact