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New Year’s Evening Dinner

Like many American households, New Year’s Day festivities will be different this year at the Reiber’s. This year, our family will be making a special New Year’s evening dinner together in the kitchen – our first of the New Year.

Recipes for some of the dishes we’re considering are shown below. You and your pod are more than welcome to join us in this tradition. With the holiday landing on a Friday, we think it will have an extra festive flair.

The ground rules are as follow:

  1. Consider dishes that you don’t typically prepare
  2. Find a recipe that has an interesting story behind it that you can share during dinner and build other dishes around it
  3. Give everyone a role in preparing the meal. It’s great social time and creates shared gratitude for everyone’s culinary talents
  4. Make enough so that there are leftovers. This is a must!

I developed these recipes for Memphis Wood Fire Grills, the nation’s top wood-fired grill manufacturer and a client of Axiom, but they are easily transferrable to the oven. These tasty main dishes could kick start your 2021. New taste sensations for a New Year. Enjoy!

Here are Links to see and print the recipes:

All the best to you and yours during this very special holiday season.