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Email Marketing Works – Here’s the Data

Email Marketing Works. Heres the Data.

Did you know the first email marketing blast was sent in 1978? The 400-person email resulted in $13 million is sales ($78 mm in today’s dollars). The truth is, email marketing works. While inboxes are more crowded these days, data shows email is still effective with a $42 return on investment (ROI) for every $1 spent.

Engaging your customers and prospects through email marketing is a proven revenue-generating activity.

Currently, email ranks third as the most popular marketing channel, behind social media and your company’s website. Monetization of social media is taking away organic reach. That’s resulting in companies putting more effort into email marketing. Why? The direct connection to customers and prospects generates more sales than the passive, secondary connection of social media.

HubSpot says “59 percent of respondents say marketing emails influence their purchase decisions.” Compare that to 12.5 percent of consumers who say they’ve considered using the “buy” button on social media.

Here are four things to help you create successful email marketing campaigns, whether you’re a veteran or new to the idea:


You’re busy, so take the time to set up automations. Welcome emails, blog sends, and dynamic product recommendations, can minimize the daily work of your campaign and help it run more effectively. Sending a welcome message drives 320 percent more revenue per send than other promotional emails.


Today, people expect more than standard, text-only emails. Reports show adding videos to your email increases click-through rates by 300 percent (Martech Advisor’s 2017 data.) You can also include sliders, collapsible menus, and GIFs to make emails more appealing and fun for customers.

Mobile First

Make sure all of interactive emails are optimized for mobile devices. HubSpot found that 46 percent of email opens now occur on mobile. If your email isn’t attractive on mobile, it will most certainly be deleted before it’s read.

Segmentation and Personalization

At Axiom, we regularly communicate with prospects and customers using email. You may be reading this as a result of Axiom’s weekly eBlast to our email list. We also have a range of client and contact types. We know not all subjects are of interest to everyone.

Through experience, we know that as email lists grow, open rates and clicks-throughs drop. Keep your email marketing viable by segmenting contacts into different lists and send each group content relevant to their interests.

If you’d like to learn more or need support with your email marketing, let’s talk. For more tips on marketing to customers, check out our recent posts Connecting with B2B Buyers in a Virtual World, and Howz Social Media Workin’ for Ya?