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Digital Advertising for the Online World

Does your business need a stronger digital presence? Not sure if now is the time because you have other urgent priorities? If your business doesn’t have a prospect-targeted, interactive digital presence in 2020, it needs one. Now.

With nearly the entire world economy shifting to a new way of doing business, and people working from home in droves, beefing up your digital space is essential to staying competitive. Here’s the big-picture proof.

According to Forbes, in the first few weeks of stay at home orders, internet hits increased between 50 and 70 percent. That’s a lot of traffic to be missing out on. Whether you offer B2B or B2C services, there are plenty of digital advertising offerings to attract new business. Most include a mix of the big six, Google, Amazon, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Let’s say you have a store on a busy road. You picked the spot because it’s convenient for your customers, employees, and so on. Your sales team comes to you and says, “hey, 3.5 billion people drove by today. I’m sure some of them might want to buy our stuff, right?” Yes. Yes they do. The same thought process applies to your website and online presence.

In this post, we’ll look at using a platform like Google, and its billions of searches each day, to get out front and noticed by exactly the right people so your sales team will be too busy helping customers to watch the traffic go by. 

You’re probably wondering, “What’s this gonna cost and what’s my ROI for advertising with Google?” The latest Google Economic Impact Report shows advertisers typically receive a return of 8X their spend on Google Search and Ads. Nationwide, Google helped 1.3 million businesses provide $335 billion of economic activity. In Minnesota, where Axiom is located, roughly 20,000 businesses teamed up with Google to generate over $6.4 billion of economic activity! That’s a lot of revenue!

Sounds pretty good, right? What next? First, set goals. Do you want web traffic, brick and mortar traffic, leads? Where is your audience?? Next, how much do you want to spend?

With Google Ads, targeting is the key to a successful campaign. Just like your website and blog posts use Search Engine Optimization (SEO), your ads need to be directed using keywords/phrases, geography, industries, etc., to inspire click-through. Too broad and Google won’t know where to find your customers. Too specific and you won’t be casting your net far enough to meet your goals.

The beauty of digital is flexibility and on-the-fly adjustment. Expect to test and tweak as you get started. You’ll learn a lot about your customer’s behavior in the process, which is never a bad thing.

Are you ready to learn more? In an upcoming post, we’ll talk about developing the right ad content for your audience and how to measure success.

Questions? Feel free to email our resident digital ad expert, Matt Main: